Support your High Road Artisans Community
Helping Artists to Succeed
High Road Artisans is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting artists along the 'High Road to Taos' in their efforts to make a living while staying in their communities.
We provide artists not only access to the Tour but also to education and training in making a living through the art made with their own hands. We want to create more opportunities for artists, especially the traditional artists along the High Road to Taos.
You can help by supporting the High Road Art Tour. In addition, your tax-deductible donation to High Road Artisans will help improve economic conditions in rural communities along the High Road by providing opportunities for people to support themselves while continuing to live in these communities.
Donations from individuals and local businesses are critical in helping us achieve our mission. To contribute to High Road Artisans, please click the "Donate" button which will take you to the PayPal secure online payment system. Thank you for your support!
Volunteer Opportunities
We welcome volunteers who help make it possible for efforts to continue. You will have the opportunity to meet and get to know the diverse artists who live along the High Road to Taos. Volunteers can help during the High Road Tour as well as throughout the year.
Join Our Board of Directors
We always need fresh ideas and energy to help us raise money and embark on new projects. If you think you might be interested, contact our Board President, Lisa Trujillo.
Keep Informed!
Please join our High Road mailing list. We will send information on special events, including the annual Art Tour, and promise not to sell or give your personal email to anyone. JOIN NOW (email)
Take the High Road Art Tour
Two weekends every fall, our artists open their studios to guests.